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Ehemalige Mitarbeitende


PD Dr. Yaman Kouli



Curriculum Vitae

Place and date of birth: Viersen, 1982

Since April 2020: Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Project: Europe in the face of Globalisation 1870-1914 – a study of the economic relationship between the European nation states (financed by the German Research Foundation)

October 2019 – March 2020: Feodor-Lynen-Fellow (Humboldt Foundation) at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf

April 2018 – September 2019: Feodor-Lynen-Fellow (Humboldt Foundation) at the UMR Sirice (Université Sorbonne I & IV, CNRS), Visiting Scientist at the German Historical Institute Paris

April 2012 – March 2013: A.SK-Fellow at the Social Science Research Center Berlin

March 2011 – March 2018: Research Assistant at the Chair of Rudolf Boch, Professor of Economic and Social History, Institute for European History, Chemnitz University of Technology, since March 2014 also at the Chair of Miloš Řezník, Professor for European Regional History

July 2012: Dissertation (Title: "The material illusion or without knowledge, there is nothing: the importance of knowledge for industrial production in Lower Silesia 1936-1956")

Mai 2007 – April 2010: Member of the Graduate Research Programme "Archives, Power, and Knowledge: Organising, Controlling, and Destroying Stored Knowledge from Antiquity to the Present"

2004 – 2006: Study of History at the Université Paris VII/Denis Diderot

2002 – 2007: Study of History, Economic History and Law at the University of Bielefeld

Scientific and Administrational Activities

  • 6–8 November 2019: Host and organizer of the conference "L’histoire transnationale de l’industrialisation française avant 1914/The transnational history of French industrialisation before 1914", with support of the German Historical Institute Paris, the Paris School of economics (Centre François Simiand) and the Laboratoire d’Excellence "Écrire une Histoire Nouvelle de l’Europe/Writing a new History of Europe (Axe 1: Civilisation matérielle/Material civilisation)", Paris
  • 26/27 Septembre 2019: Organisation und Veranstaltung der Journée d’Étude "La Première Guerre mondiale: (dés)intégrations", with support if Axe 1 (Civilisation matérielle) und Axe 5 (Guerres et Traces de guerres) of the Laboratoire d’Excellence "Écrire une Histoire Nouvelle de l’Europe/Writing a new History of Europe", Paris
  • 28–30 November 2018: Host and organizer of the conference "Economic and social policy at the crossroads – Central and Eastern Europe in the middle-income trap", with support of The Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO) and the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW, Leipzig
  • 14/15 September 2017: Host and organizer of the conference "Milestones and Prospects of the Knowledge-Based Economy" at the Chemnitz University of Technology, in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW Leipzig
  • 23–26 March 2017: Panel "World War II and the economic consequences of the Polish border changes", 4th Congress on Research on Poland "Borders", Frankfurt (Oder) / Słubice
  • October 2015: Creation of the first bilingual Polish-German Study-Program for History (Uniwersytet Wrocławski/Chemnitz University of Technology)



All publications see here.

Descriptions of the habilitation and the current project see here.
