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German-French Studies

Studies with one of the subject combinations:
 History (core subject) and French-Romance Studies (supplementary subject).

 French-Romance Studies (core subject) and History (supplementary subject).

Students complete the normal study programme in French-Romance Studies. In the subject History, elective module 1 or elective module 2 or in-depth module 1 must be successfully completed, whereby the corresponding courses must have a reference to France. The modules mentioned consist of a lecture and an exercise/excursion. The lecture ends with an oral examination, the exercise/excursion with a seminar paper or a presentation. If history is chosen as a core subject, the Bachelor's thesis must also have a reference to France.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Guido Thiemeyer
Building: 24.55
Floor/Room: 00.082
+49 211 81-12926

Office Hours

Herr Thiemeyer bietet in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit (Sommersemester 2024) eine Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung per Mail an.

Leiter Abteilung V (Romanistische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frank Leinen
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Institut für Romanistik
Abteilung V
Universitätsstr. 1 Building: 24.52
Floor/Room: 00.22
+49 211 81-14382

Office Hours

Thursday, 14.30-15.30.

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