Anneliese Maier Prize Project
The Liber ordinarius of Nivelles (Houghton Library, MS Lat 422)
Liturgy as Interdisciplinary Intersection Ed. by Jeffrey F. Hamburger and Eva Schlotheuber
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
Die Entdeckung der ältesten erhaltenen Handschrift, des Liber ordinarius, der mächtigen Abtei Nivelles, bedeutet einen wesentlichen Neufund für die wechselvolle Geschichte und religiöse Praxis des alten Damenstifts. Der Liber ordinarius und die inserierten Dokumente geben wertvolle Auskunft über das Zusammenwirken der Männer- und der Frauengemeinschaft in Nivelles und die Entwicklung des Äbtissinnenkults um die Heilige Gertrud.
The Manuscript
Jeffrey F. Hamburger: Description of the Liber ordinarius of Nivelles, Houghton Library, MS Lat 422 and the Date of its Decoration – Albert Derolez: Codicology and Paleography of the Nivelles Liber ordinarius
The Context
Eva Schlotheuber: Pilgrims, the Poor, and the Powerful: The Long History of the Women of Nivelles – Walter Simons: Worlds Apart? Beguine Communities of Nivelles and the Abbey of St Gertrude, from Marie d'Oignies (d. 1213) to the Liber ordinarius (c. 1300) – Rowan Dorin: Order and Disorder: The Documentary Additions to the Liber ordinarius of Nivelles
The Cult
Bonnie Effros: Elizabeth de Bierbais and the Relics of Gertrude of Nivelles – Alison I. Beach: Placet nobis electio: The Election and Investiture of the Abbess at Fourteenth-Century Nivelles – Margot Fassler: Liturgical History and Hagiography as Reflected in the Ordinal of Nivelles, with Emphasis on the Cult of St Gertrude
The Liturgy
Louis van Tongeren: Holy Week in Nivelles – Charles Caspers: On the Road: The Processions of the Nivelles' Canonesses and their Attitude towards the Outside World (c. 1350)
The Architecture
Klaus-Gereon Beuckers: The Abbey Church of St Gertrude in Nivelles: Observations regarding its Architectural Disposition – Andreas Odenthal: maiorem ecclesiam esse matrem omnium ecclesiarum totius villae: On the Sacral Topography of Nivelles based on the Liber ordinarius
The Documents – Edition, Commentary, and Translation
Virginie Greene: The French of Nivelles: A Vernacular Legalese in the Making – Hannah Weaver : Note on the Language of the Documents Pertaining to the Abbey of Nivelles – Thomas Forrest Kelly: Personnel of the Church of Nivelles as seen in the Liber ordinarius – Eva Schlotheuber/Jeffrey F. Hamburger: Appendix. Editio princeps of the documents from the second half of the thirteenth century from the Liber Ordinarius of Nivelles
Jeffrey F. Hamburger is Kuno Francke Professor of German Art & Culture at Harvard University MA, USA.
Eva Schlotheuber is Full Professor for Medieval History at the University of Düsseldorf.
Buchpräsentation "Liturgical Life and Latin Learning at Paradies bei Soest, 1300-1425"
Am 15. November 2016 stellten Jeffrey Hamburger (Harvard, USA), Eva Schlotheuber (Düsseldorf), Susan Marti (Bern), Margot Fassler (Notre Dame, USA) und die Ars Choralis Coeln in Kurzvorträgen eine neue Gemeinschaftspublikation vor. Zu dieser Vorstellung im Haus der Universität waren alle Interessierten, auch von extern, herzlich eingeladen. Thema der Buchvorstellung waren die Liturgie und Bildung im Dominikanerinnenkloster Paradiese bei Soest:
„Liturgical Life and Latin Learning at Paradies bei Soest, 1300-1425: Inscription and Illumination in the Choir Books of a North German Dominican Convent.“ Ed. Jeffrey Hamburger, Eva Schlotheuber, Susan Marti and Margot Fassler. Münster, Aschendorff 2016.