Anneliese Maier Prize Autumn School 2016
Anneliese Maier Prize Autumn School 2016
Liturgy, Libraries and Learning among the Dominicans
Eva Schlotheuber (Düsseldorf) und Jeffrey Hamburger (Harvard).
- Introduction
Venue: Haus der Universität, Schadowplatz 14 in 40212 Düsseldorf.
14.11.2016 | 14:00-14:15 pm
14:00-15:00 pm
15:00-16:00 pm
16:00-16:30 pm
16:30-17:30 pm
17:30-18:30 pm
| Eva Schlotheuber/Jeffrey Hamburger: Introduction
Eva Schlotheuber (Düsseldorf): Ordering Knowledge. Education and the Libraries of the Dominican Nuns in Germany
Claire Jones (Notre Dame): Liturgical Regulations in the Constitutions for Dominican Sisters
Coffee Break
Stephen Mossman (Manchester): The Hatred of University Lecturers and the Inspired Word in the Fourteenth-Century Dominican Order
Pietro Delcorno (Leeds): Preaching between liturgy and cetechesis: The Quadragesimale peregrini
15.11.2016 | 09:00-10:00 am
10:00-11:00 am
11:00-11:30 am
11:30-12:30 am
12:30-13:30 pm
13:30-18:00 pm
18:00-21:00 pm | Nigel Palmer (Oxford): Der Basler Kartäuserprior Heinrich Arnoldi und die Frauengebete
Sylvie Duval (Paris): Dominican Nuns in Italy. Language Skills and Writing Culture
Coffee Break
Pablo Acosta-Garcia (Barcelona): Marguerite in the Margins: The Annotations of the French and Continental Latin Traditions of the Mirror of Simple Souls
Jeffrey Hamburger (Harvard): The Liturgical Manuscripts from Paradies. Theological Themes
Coffee Break
Book presentation: Jeffrey Hamburger, Eva Schlotheuber, Margot Fassler, Susan Marti: Gelehrte Bräute Christi. Liturgie und Bildung im Dominikaner- innenkloster Paradiese bei Soest. |
16.11.2016 | 09:00-10:00 am
10:00-11:00 am
11:00-11:30 am
11:30-12:30 am
12:00-14:00 pm
14:00-15:00 pm
14:00-17:00 pm
19:00 pm | Margot Fassler (Notre Dame, IN, USA): The Sequences from Paradies bei Soest
Henryk Anzulewicz (Cologne): Albertus Magnus und die Dominikanerliturgie
Coffee Break
Lena Vosding (Düsseldorf): Letter Writting and Quotations from the Liturgy
Lecture hall University Library (ULB Düsseldorf) Anja Freckmann (BSB, Munich): Liturgical Manuscripts in Observant Communities of the Female Branch in Teutonia: Their Use, Structrue and Adaptation to Local Practice
Workshop (ULB Düsseldorf): The Liturgical Manuscripts from Paradies bei Soest
Dinner (Goldener Ring, Düsseldorf Altstadt) |
17.11.2016 | 09:00-10:00 am
10:00-11:00 am
11:00-11:30 am
11:30-12:30 am
13:00-18:00 pm | Mercedes Pérez-Vidal (Barcelona): Ad previdendum et ad caelebrandum officium. The liturgical space of Dominican nuns in Late Medieval Castile
Evelin Wetter (Abegg-Stiftung Riggisberg): Animals of the Physiologus represented in Textiles. Allegorical Instruction and the Shaping of Identity
Coffee Break
Nicole Pulichene (Cambridge, MA/Munich): "One Whose Name was Writ in Wax": Reflections on the Medieval Reuse of the Boethius Diptych
Excursion (Citercian monastery Altenberg) |
Download the programme flyer.