Bachelor's programme History
At Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, history can be studied in its entire breadth: from the beginnings of classical civilisation in ancient Greece to the modern information society; from political history to economics and society to the cultures and mentalities of past eras.
During their studies, students learn not only how to work scientifically and how to deal with source material, some of which is original, but also how to engage in joint discourse. In excursions and practical modules, small groups visit places steeped in history or design and develop their own projects, such as exhibitions or digital offerings.
Other focal points of the Düsseldorf Institute of Historical Studies in teaching and research are European studies, regional history, historiography in antiquity, France and Franco-German relations, the First World War, Jews and anti-Semitism, the history of Eastern Europe, historical theory, the history of European expansion and the history of medicine.
The individual years of study build systematically on each other. In the first year of study, a broad overview of the four main areas of antiquity and the Middle Ages, modern times and Eastern Europe as well as the methods of studying history is given. In the second year of study, the historical tools are developed using concrete case studies. The third and final year of study introduces students to the independent academic study of history.
The subject History can be combined with most other subjects of the Faculty of Humanities. The degree programme prepares students for a variety of possible professions in the media, education and further education, information processing and public as well as private institutions. The teaching of practical skills through project seminars and placement in internships are an integrated part of the study programme.